we're here for you

TORQE to us.

Scheidtweilerstraße 79
D-50933 Köln

Telefon: (+49) 221 595 595 60
E-Mail: info@torqe.com

Kilian Müller

Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Köln, HRB 82392
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE 301003385


We're always available for a personal conversation. Questions and advice about the product, order, and returns or cancellations— we’re happy to answer them over the phone.

We're open Monday to Friday from 10 am to 4 pm.


We're always happy to hear from you. Write us an email and we'll answer it as fast as we can. 


Frequently asked questions about our products, the order process, delivery times and revocation.
vieW FAQ

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Responsible according to § 55 RStV:

Kilian Müller
Scheidtweilerstraße 79
D-50933 Köln

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find here https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. Consumers have the possibility to use this platform for the settlement of their disputes.

To resolve disputes arising from a contractual relationship with a consumer or whether such a contractual relationship exists at all, we are obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board. The responsible body is the Universalschlichtungsstelle des Bundes am Zentrum für Schlichtung e.V., Straßburger Straße 8, 77694 Kehl am Rhein, www.universalschlichtungsstelle.de. We will participate in a dispute resolution procedure before this body.

Legal notice about the website:

All texts, images and other information published here are subject to the copyright of the provider, unless copyrights of third parties exist. In any case, copying, distribution or public reproduction is permitted only in the case of a revocable and non-transferable consent of the provider.

The provider assumes no responsibility for any web content linked to this site, as this is not the provider's own content. The linked pages have been checked for illegal content; at the time of linking, no such content was identifiable. The operator of the linked pages is responsible for their content. The provider has no general obligation to monitor or check this. However, if an infringement becomes known, the corresponding link will be removed immediately.
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TORQE , all rights reserved