neu definiert.

    Wir sind Enthusiasten. Wir suchen nach dem Besonderen, dem kleinen Detail. Etwas, das funktioniert, ästhetisch ansprechend ist und seine Einzigartigkeit in seiner Seltenheit findet.
    TORQE preserve the rarity
  • 1,75
    The moment
     around which everything turns.

    With the utmost care is made the decision of raw materials, because from them an idea becomes a true product. Self-written programs ensure consistent control, which is noticeable in the result.
    TORQE provides a flawless product
    Das Armband, inspiriert an Taucheruhren der 60er und 70er Jahre.

    Ein Armband inspiriert am Tauchsport, eine Homage an Taucheruhren der 60er und 70er Jahre vereint mit einem meisterhaften Handwerk. Hergestellt aus hochwertigen, strapazierfähigen Edelstahl. 
    TORQE provides a flawless product
    Entworfen, um den Herausforderungen der höchsten Gipfel standzuhalten.

    Mit seinem dezenten Look fügt es sich nahtlos in die Bergumgebung ein und ist ein Symbol für die pure Leidenschaft, die Bergsteiger für die Natur und ihre Herausforderungen hegen. Dieses Armband ist die perfekte Wahl für jene, die die schlichte Schönheit der Berge in ihrer reinsten Form erleben möchten.
    TORQE provides a flawless product
  • AERO
    Stromlinienförmiges Design inspiriert an Luft- & Raumfahrt.

    Mit seinem schlanken, stromlinienförmigen Design minimiert es den Luftwiderstand und ermöglicht eine reibungslose Bewegung, sei es beim Laufen, Radfahren oder Schwimmen.
    TORQE provides a flawless product

an eye on the essentials

Preserve the rarity

When the world spins too fast, sometimes you long for calm, serenity and a constant. A moment in which consistency can be seen - in which values are established in order to carry them into the future.
TORQE bracelets are made of high quality stainless steel, come with a hardened surface and a hand polished finish

In the depths.

Additions in conveying or collected objection in. Suffer few desire wonder her object hardly nearer.

view models

In the depths.

You vexed shy mirth now noise. Talked him people valley add use her depend letter. Allowance too applauded now way something recommend.
view models
We are not responsible if something goes wrong

In the depths.

If the care and attention to an object of desire is maintained, we preserve its original form, its untouched beauty. It can accompany us for a lifetime and gets a part of our experiences. It bundles the memories we have experienced with it.

This sustainability can be achieved with caring & maintenance.
Doppelte Sicherung mit Magneten & Gewinde


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unique and exclusive 

Consistency through care 

If the care and attention to an object of desire is maintained, we preserve its original form, its untouched beauty. It can accompany us for a lifetime and gets a part of our experiences. It bundles the memories we have experienced with it.

This sustainability can be achieved with caring & maintenance.
TORQE helps you to take care of your product 

Interchangeable clasp system with strap

3 unique models

Similar at first glance but individual in their level of detail.
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In the depths of the ocean, the light refracts spectacularly.


The luminous peaks rise from the cloud cover.


A smooth surface that gently embraces your wrist like the wind.

In the depths.

The moment you surrender to the water, let your body fully sink into the depth and just let go of the surface, a whole new world of fascination and tranquility opens up.
view story

Great blue hole | depth 125 m | ⌀ 300 m



The moment
 around which everything turns.

With a metallic *click*, the magnets inside the strap connect. They give the thread a guide, which can be gently screwed together with exactly 1,75 turns. 

Why we know that?

 We love details 

hands to the machines

Outstanding CNC milling

With the utmost care the decision is made about the raw materials, as from them an idea becomes an excellent product. Self-written programs ensure consistent control, which can not only be seen but also felt in the result.
TORQE provides a flawless product with a final inspection by a professional craftsman
view engineering


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TORQE , all rights reserved